Cats, like humans, can sometimes feel low, stressed, or anxious. Conflict with other cats, and new places, are common triggers of cat anxiety that could put your kitty’s hair on end – literally! Let’s take a closer look at these scenarios, and other manifestations of feline anxiety.
Is your cat fighting with other cats?
Anxiety could be the cause
Play-fighting with fellow feline friends is a very normal part of cat behaviour – it can help your cat bond with other cats and build their confidence. However, it can sometimes be hard to tell whether the fighting is playful or serious. Look out for the following body language clues:
- Taking turns – If playing, cats normally ‘take turns’ making the dominant move. If they are both clawing and advancing at the same time, it’s more likely to be a real fight.
- Growling, hissing, and snarling – As a general rule of thumb, cats tend to stick to a ‘meow’ when playing and save the hissing, snarling, and growling for genuine fights.
- Ears – When fighting for real, cats tend to pin their ears back, so watch out for this behaviour.
- Claws and teeth – Cats will rarely use their claws whilst play-fighting, and any biting shouldn’t cause injury or inflict pain. If the fight looks more violent than this, it is likely to be genuine and a cause for concern.
If you do recognise your kitty exhibiting a willingness to fight with other cats, it’s worth addressing this sooner rather than later, to avoid more problems down the line. This might involve separating your cat from other, combative, felines, as well as consulting with your vet.
We’d also recommend YuMOVE Calming Care for Cats, which supports calm behaviour with scientifically backed active ingredients such as L-Tryptophan and Lemon Balm, to help with reduction of stress behaviours and support feelings of relaxation. Is your cat agitated by meeting new people? Don’t ignore their anxiety.
Is your cat agitated meeting new people?
Don’t ignore your cat’s anxiety.
Even the most confident of cats can be phased by a new human around the house. Whether the ‘interloper’ is a temporary visitor or a new arrival who’s here to stay, it's important to support your cat with any feelings of stress they might have. It’s worth considering the following tips to reduce your cat’s anxiety when meeting someone new:
- A calm introduction – If possible, request that your visitor sits quietly and calmly in your cat’s vicinity and doesn’t pressure him or her to overbearing cuddles. This will help a nervous cat get used to a new human in their own time. (Of course, this is easier said than done if your visitor is a very new arrival!)
- A consistent routine – Avoid any major changes to your cat’s routine– for instance keep meal and litter-tray-emptying times regular. This shows your cat that the visitor is not a threat to their resources.
- Provide refuge – It’s important that your shy kitty has somewhere safe and enclosed to hide should they feel the need to. Your cat will thank you for providing a secluded space where they can de-stress if needed, such as a cardboard box with blankets. This may help prevent them seeking out refuge somewhere more precarious – like an awkward high-up area.
To help manage stress if there is a new visitor on the horizon, consider starting them on YuMOVE Calming Care for Cats six weeks in advance. This gives the supplement time to help chill your cat out!
Furrious’ at the prospect of the V-E-T?
Treat cat anxiety for good.
Cats are notoriously independent, and sometimes this can show up as your cat being reluctant to visit the vet. Of course, regular vet check-ups are extremely important, so it’s essential to overcome this hurdle.
If your cat’s showing an aversion to visiting the vet, anxiety could be a key underlying reason why. Signs that anxiety’s at play can include:
- Aggression – Your cat may respond to a trip to the vet with fear-aggressive behaviour toward you or your other household pets.
- Hiding – Just like humans, cats sometimes require ‘alone time’. This can be problematic if you’re running late for your veterinary appointment, but be patient as your calm attitude is the first ingredient for a successful trip to the vet.
- Incontinence – If your cat decides to relive themselves in a surprising place, it’s likely that something’s up. The unexpected appearance of the ‘cat travel basket’ may stress your feline friend out, and prompt this behaviour. Consider keeping the basket open, and in the house at all times, to make it more familiar and comfortable.
If your cat is showing any or all of these signs of anxiety, you should consult with your vet. They’ll be able to help get to the bottom of your cat’s anxiety and behavioural issues, and may prescribe medication if they consider it necessary.
Cats can become anxious for a variety of different reasons. If you notice your cat showing tell-tale signs of anxiety and stress, it’s important to consult with your vet and to get their professional opinion. We also recommend trying YuMOVE Calming Care for Cats, to help ease anxiety, help reduce stress, and support calm behaviour.