How To Make a Dog Agility Course In The Garden
What does your dog think on their daily walks?
Young family with their border terrier

Door Step Dogs

In these strange times, our dogs have made us appreciate their companionship more than ever. They’re making sure we get out every day, and well, they’re always nearby. With so many dogs and owners together during this lockdown, there will be so many stories to tell.

So this week we’re sharing some of those stories on our social media channels in a series called Doorstep Dogs. We wanted to capture the current mood and talk to owners about their dogs and what they mean to them right now. And jumping on the trend of doorstep photography, Doorstep Dogs seemed like the perfect way to combine the two.

We spoke to a handful of dog owners in a Bedfordshire village about their dogs and how their life is right now. All photography was done with social distancing measures firmly in place – and we’ve loved hearing how pets have never been more important to us. Check out the YuMOVE Facebook and Instagram accounts this week to find out more.


Mother and daughter and dog


Jo and her dog


Amanda her dog


Rosie and her partner with their two dogs


Julie and her daughter and their two dogs





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    YuREKA! It's the day you discover YuMOVE for the first time. Or that spine-tingling moment you realise our supplements have made a visible difference to your pet.

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