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Watchouts for senior dogs with lots of energy


When your senior canine is bounding around like a youngster, it really is a joy to watch. But as your dog ages, it’s important to keep supporting their joints, adapting their exercise routine and play accordingly. Here are some areas to watch out for with an older canine…

Should you…give them extra-long walks?

Although your dog’s enthusiasm for walkies is a joy to see, if you’re not careful, you could end up overdoing it. For that reason, opt for short, regular walks instead of longer, more spontaneous treks. You can apply this thinking to any kind of exercise. Is your senior dog still tearing along the beach or jumping up to catch a frisbee at the park? Then you might want to swap for something less strenuous.

Couple walking dog

Should you…indulge in lots of playtime?

Getting lots of playtime in with your dog is hugely important. Not just for the purposes of fun and bonding, but because it’s often another form of exercise! One piece of advice, though – be super vigilant about what games and toys you bring into playtime. Be sure to limit high-impact games like fetch, for instance.

Labrador rolling over and playing with ball

Should you…spoil them with treats?

Here at YuMOVE, we love spoiling our furry best friends when the occasion calls for it. That said, we stand by the old classic of ‘everything in moderation’. Especially for older dogs, who can develop stomach sensitivities as they age and can be more prone to putting on extra weight. Look for a treat combo that’s tasty and nutritious wherever possible.

Dog taking treat from woman's hand

YuMOVE Joint Care PLUS Max Strength is a great way to support the joints of older and stiffer dogs. Get 50% off your first two months and 20% thereafter when you subscribe today. Use the code SAVENOW** at checkout.

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