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Is jumping bad for your dog's joints?

Is jumping bad for your dog's joints?

Many people have an opinion on whether or not jumping is bad for dogs' joint care. Is it healthy and/or harmless? Can it stress the joints? Should all breeds jump and play actively? Let's take a look in more detail.

Cutting through the noise and conflicting opinions can be tricky. That’s where we come in, with this guide to joints and jumping, to help you make the best choices for your furry friend.

The basics - How jumping affects your dog’s joints 

Historically, dogs and their wild cousins have had to leap and jump to survive. However, with our domesticated dogs, it's a question of the types of surfaces, load, scale, strain, repetition and how these affect the body

It’s useful to think about the act of jumping from a dog’s perspective – understanding what’s happening physically helps us understand how and why different kinds of jumping affect our dog’s joints.

Bernese Mountain dog leaping

What happens when a dog jumps up?

When your pup prepares to take off, they shift their weight back into the muscles and joints of their hind legs. This helps propel your dog up and forward like a coiled spring which has been released.

This action requires a full range of motion in the back leg joints including the stifle and the hip and tarsal (hock), and of course, activation in all the supporting muscles. When they land, their front legs are mobilised, flexing and extending to brake and steady the dog.

Though these movements are perfectly normal and natural, as you can imagine, they take more out of your dog’s joints than walking or running around on flat ground. Vets refer to the additional stress on the body as ‘increased load’.

What happens when a dog jumps down?

The act of jumping down involves less muscular work – it’s when your dog 'puts the brakes on' this process in mid-motion that they might risk a twist or strain.

When getting down off a couch or bed, your dog uses their body weight to generate downward momentum. Once they land, they’ll then ‘brake’ through the front section of their body. Their front legs and shoulders abruptly take much more weight and strain than if walking or running on flat ground, especially if your pup is carrying an extra pound or two. Again this is ‘increased load’ at work.

How do different surfaces affect your dog?

This is a BIG factor. Jumping from hard to soft – or soft to slippery – surfaces adds another layer of complexity. Your dog has to counter slippery surfaces with their own muscles or may risk toppling over on impact. This can cause what’s called ‘eccentric contractions’, leading to twists, strains and sprains.

Just imagine jumping from a high wall onto a soft mattress and trying to stay on your feet when you land. Clutter, slippery floors, and rugs can also cause problems. Twisting or straining on landing to avoid hazards will mean more work for the muscles and joints.

Is your dog’s breed and size a factor?

Yes. If your dog is a toy or miniature, they may have to jump twice or three times their height to join you for a snuggle. Some breeds and mixes are more prone to accidents and incidents, and obesity plays a part too. Unfortunately, if your dog is carrying a bit too much weight, their joints take the stress, which can make a risky action even more problematic.

Jumping and dog joints: fact or fiction?

We’ve discussed some of the most common claims about jumping and dog joints with the Lintbells Veterinary Team, and have asked them to set the facts straight. Here's what they had to say!

“Dogs shouldn’t go up and down stairs”

Fiction. Most healthy adult dogs manage carpeted stairs well. Stairs or steps do require a greater range of motion in the front and back leg joints compared to walking on flat ground. However, the shift in the dog’s centre of gravity is counteracted by the lowered height the dog needs to negotiate. Stairs can be a challenge for the smallest breeds and dogs who are prone to joint stiffness. Ramps, or being carried or supported with a sling, is a good idea in these cases.  Always talk to your vet for advice.

Golden Retriever at top of a set of stairs

“Jumping in and out of the car is bad for my dog”

Neither fact nor fiction -  it depends on your car and your dog! A high 4x4, a slippery boot blanket and a small or older dog presents a very different scenario to a low estate car with a rubber mat in the boot. The best solution is to use a portable pet ramp. It's a good idea to get your dog used to ramps when they’re young and agile. This will make life will easier for both of you if jumping becomes a struggle as they age.

“Dogs shouldn't jump on and off couches”

Fact. Jumping on and off the couch isn’t ideal for dogs because of the combination of different surfaces. Going from hard to soft (and vice versa) increases the likelihood of twists and injuries, as does repeating a ‘high load’ activity over and over. 

“Jumping on the bed won’t harm my dog”

Fiction. Although, of course, it depends. It’s much safer to pick your dog up for a bedtime snuggle – or at least lift them back down from the bed, especially if your bed is high. Jumping on and off the bed is a ‘high-load activity, with a mixture of hard and soft surfaces which causes a lot of strain in your dog’s musculature and joints.

Dog sitting on bed with female owner

"Puppies shouldn't be allowed to jump on furniture"

Fact. Growing joints are particularly vulnerable – and the behaviour you allow in puppyhood sets the model for adult life. We’d suggest training your pup to ‘wait’ and lifting them onto furniture if you want them to come up for a cuddle (which we know can be challenging. When your friends and family visit, you should set this rule with them, too!

“Dogs shouldn’t be allowed to bounce and play on beds and trampolines”

Fact. Many dogs love the bouncy feel of the bed or couch and will sometimes even use it as a ‘springboard’ if they’re having zoomies. We all know a pup who loves to play on a trampoline given half a chance. However, bouncing on an uneven surface or – worse – from a soft and springy surface to the hard ground. can increase the chance of injury.

Dog lying trampoline

"Jumping sports like agility are bad for dogs”

Fiction. Although jumping increases the load on the joint, if the surfaces and heights are within a safe range, your dog is healthy, and you don’t overdo it, jumping is relatively safe. There is a risk of injury when partaking in any sport, but if you’re careful and responsible, you can minimise the risk so they are outweighed by benefits like increased fitness and a better bond between you.

Whether your dog loves to go up and down the stairs and race around on a regular basis, we recommend a good dog joint supplement to help give their joints a bit of extra support. YuMOVE Joint Care PLUS Max Strength is our strongest PLUS formula, perfect for older and stiffer dogs who could use some extra support.


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